
Electrochemical System: A Fast and Effective Stainless Steel Weld Cleaner

Cleaning and welding surfaces require long hours of hard work– scrubbing and brushing off stubborn heat tints. Heat tint varies in colour, depending on the temperature attained at the moment of welding. Darker colours signify higher temperatures. Heat tint that remains on the steel surface causes unpleasant discolouration, affects passivation, and thus increases the risk for corrosion. When you are running a welding service, you need a stainless steel weld cleaner that is fast and safe. 

Pickling Paste: The Conventional Method

The conventional way of cleaning heat tint and preventing rusting is the application of a paste, which is a mixture of nitric and hydrofluoric acid. The brush used is often a moderately hard abrasive. While the method is effective, it is risky. You will need to wear protective equipment as the pickling paste is toxic. It can cause burns, discolouration, and slow-healing wounds when it comes in contact with skin.

Add to that the application takes time. You need to remove the paste after 15 to 60 minutes and neutralise it with sodium bicarbonate solution. Applying high pressure is sometimes necessary for washing off stains on heavy industrial surfaces. It is, overall, an arduous process that is not ideal when serving several clients.

Electrochemical Stainless Steel Weld Cleaning System

Technology breakthrough makes it possible to clean welded stainless-steel surfaces through a safe and fast electrochemical process. A patented weld cleaning system features a unique method of combining heat, electricity, and the same cleaning process but safer and faster – you apply a cleaning solution, wash it off, then spray a neutralising agent. 

  • Fast Cleaning. Stainless Steel weld cleaning kits include a high-speed machine, a brush with a unique design, and a cleaning fluid with a corresponding specialised neutralising agent. The cleaning machine runs on different power capacities, from 50 to 90 amps. Depending on your requirement, you can take your pick from the available cleaning machine models – all priced affordably and designed ergonomically for user’s comfort.
  • Dual Purpose. The weld cleaning system not only cleans but also passivates. The importance of passivation is paramount in stainless steel fabrication. It entails adding a layer of metal oxide, an inert material, on the stainless-steel surface to prevent corrosion. The stainless steel weld cleaning system performs dual actions. It passivates and polishes surfaces as it cleans. You end up saving time, cost, and energy.
  • Safe Process. The problem with the conventional pickling paste cleaning method is safety. Often, the maintenance crew experiences skin and eye irritation due to accidental exposure to the acid-based solution. The strong chemical stays on clothing materials and tools, which may come in contact with your body. Add to that, dealing with toxic chemicals slow down your work. Choose a stainless steel weld cleaning fluid that has a safer electrolyte formulation. You can work on polishing and protecting surfaces without worrying about damaging health risks.

Additionally, the welding machine has simplified controls and stable bottoms that prevent accidental slipping, which often causes scrapes on the stainless-steel surfaces. Also, the innovative welding cleaning system is proven effective in increasing corrosion resistance, unlike other cleaning techniques. 

Although durable and low maintenance, stainless steel can lead to rust when not treated. Protect stainless steel surfaces through cleaning and passivation. You can safely and cost-effectively do both with the innovative electro-chemical weld cleaning system

Carmel Issac
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