
Teeth Grinders: It Might Be Time for a Night Guard If You’re Experiencing These Symptoms

Bruxism is a condition where one unconsciously grinds their teeth and occurs mainly during nights of sleep. It’s common with children, and research estimates that close to 50% of children grind their teeth. The triggers of teeth grinding are believed to be stress and anxiety. 

This problem is not limited to children only. Most adults grind their teeth from time to time. In adolescent teeth grinding prevalence is estimated at 15%. It’s not harmful if it’s occasional, but it damages the teeth and leads to oral health complications.

To prevent oral health problems, people use a teeth night guard from the Teeth Night Guard Lab. They are usually custom-made from a teeth night guard lab. 

Because teeth grinding occurs during sleep, most people are unaware of the problem. However, if you wake up and you’re experiencing some of the symptoms below, it’s time to get a teeth night guard.

Jaw Pain and Tension

If you feel a stabbing pain or pressure similar to a toothache, but all around your face that is normally a sign of jaw tension. There are different causes of jaw pain. However, if you wake up most mornings with pain and pressure on your jaws the most likely culprit is teeth grinding during your sleep. This is called Temporomandibular Disorders it occurs when the unconscious flexing and stretching of your jaw muscles leads to chronic pain. Custom teeth guards help with this because they are made to align with your unaligned jaw, relieving pressure and letting your jaw muscles relax while you sleep.

Headaches At Night

Teeth grinding can cause headaches too, and it could be the answer to why you have headaches or migraines every other morning. When you grind at night, the force of the bite increases to 700 pounds per square meter.

This force puts a lot of pressure on your mouth’s muscles and joints. The muscle span to your jaws, cheek, and the side of your head where the pressure throbs causing headaches.


Teeth grinding will make you snore loudly. 

There could also be other underlying factors leading to snoring and bruxism, such as a misaligned jaw. If that’s the case, a teeth night guard could be the solution you need to reduce or eliminate snoring. Teeth grinding has been closely related to sleep apnea as the pressure caused by an unaligned jaw can be an underlying cause of the disorder. If you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea you might be a perfect candidate for a custom mouth guard.

Trouble Sleeping

Finally, having trouble with your sleep could be because you are grinding your teeth so much, making you uncomfortable, consequently leading to a lack of enough sleep. As the teeth grind, it could be damaging, and you could instantly feel the effects.

 In such a case, it’s crucial to ensure you order your custom-made teeth night guard faster so that you can sleep better at night and be productive during the day.

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Radhe Gupta
Hello, I am Radhe. I am absolutely in love with writing and by working with News Whizz, I have developed a passion for it. It helps me to stay updated and know what is happening around the globe.