‘Avengers: Endgame’ We Recall Every Delated Scene From The Movie


Avengers Rereleasing: With Additional Content, Endgame helped capture the Avatar throne as the highest-grossing film of its time by Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige as he showed Phase 4 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe at Comic-Con in San Diego. But, are they worth another trip to the theatre? Here are the details.

Before the film

We got a new message from Spidey-Man: Far from Home on Tom Holland, Spidey-Spider, stating that the movie preview will be played with the end of the game. Then Anthony Russo, who directed the film with his brother Joe, tells him that “something special” will have to stick around after the credits.

Avengers 4

Stan Lee Tribute

The first is a loving tribute to Marvel veteran Stan Lee, who co-produced the Avengers, Spider-Man, and many other timeless characters, in which he talks about how he just paid the comics for the rent. He wrote and was amazed at how popular his work became.


Lee chatted with Thor actor Chris Hemsworth, along with MCU directors like James Gaughan, Tika Vetti, Kenneth Branagh, and John Favreau, while filming some of his cameos over the years. Lee politely states that he is a “very lucky man” before a message.

“Stan We Love You 3000,” it reads, refers to the final lines of Morgan and Tony Stark.

Deleted scenes

The additional unfinished scene sees Professor Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) saving people from a burning building, before calling Captain America. It features a quiet cameo by Reginald Veljohnson as the fire chief in the building. You may remember Veljonson as a sergeant. Al Powell in Die Hard, an Ant-Man movie made an incorrect mention of time travel at the end of the game. The deleted scene also portrays her character in Die Hard from the actor’s perspective: she spends communicating with protagonist John McClane (Bruce Willis) in the movie, which is outside of Nakatomi Plaza.

Avengers movie

The scene incorporates very early CGI effects and probably served as the Hulk’s release, a reunion sometime during production “five years later,” the dinner scene in the final cut was a much better option. It’s also a little disappointing that we weren’t able to see Thanos’ fight scene with Hawkeye and Black Widow.

However, the actor saw the end of the game after learning that it would be in Rarelez. He praised the cast and crew.


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