Unlock Your Wedding Writing Potential: Guest Post Opportunities Await!

Do you love writing content and have an interesting perspective to share? Maybe you or someone in your family has a special wedding coming up or recently tied the knot. Whatever your reason for why you’re looking for new writers, we want to hear from you and could use your insight!

You don’t need a degree in English just yet; we’re psyched about anyone who wants to contribute! All bloggers will be part of the Wedding Guest’s team and we’ll accept guest posts – well-researched content that helps our readers not only enjoy posts but also take actions as part of Wedding Guest post.

Questions and Comments

What is write for us?

Search Operator Usage Example Purpose/Application
site: site:example.com write for us To find a “Write for Us” page specifically within a certain website.
intitle: intitle:”write for us” News To find pages that have “write for us” in the title, focusing on News topics.
inurl: inurl:write-for-us SEO To discover SEO-related “Write for Us” pages by searching URLs containing the phrase.
(Double Quotes) “write for us” “submit a guest post” To search for exact matches of common phrases used on “Write for Us” pages.
(Minus) “write for us” -site:pinterest.com To exclude certain domains, like Pinterest, from your search results.
OR “write for us” OR “contribute” News To search for either “write for us” or “contribute” pages related to News.
filetype: filetype:doc “write for us” Though less common, this can be used to find downloadable documents that mention “Write for Us,” potentially including submission guidelines in DOC format.
intext: intext:”guest post guidelines” News To find marketing pages that mention “guest post guidelines” somewhere in the text.
allintitle: allintitle:write for us News Ensures that all words appear in the title, useful for filtering to specific topics.
allinurl: allinurl:submit-post News Searches for URLs that contain both “submit” and “post,” targeting News topics.
related: related:exampleblog.com Finds websites related to a given blog, which can uncover similar opportunities not directly found through other searches.
cache: cache:example.com/write-for-us Shows the cached version of a specific “Write for Us” page, useful if the current page is down.
allintext: allintext:”write for us” + “guidelines” News Searches for News sites where both “write for us” and “guidelines” appear in the text, ensuring you find detailed submission pages.
inurl: + intitle: inurl:guest-post intitle:”write for us” News Aims to find News sites that have both “guest-post” in the URL and “write for us” in the title, indicating a dedicated guest posting page.
OR + site: “write for us” OR “submit an article” site:.org Looks for nonprofit or organizational websites (.org) interested in either “write for us” submissions or “submit an article” contributions.
+ “write for us” -“closed” -“not accepting” Searches for “write for us” pages while excluding those that state they are currently closed or not accepting submissions.
site: + intext: site:edu intext:”contribute to” News Finds News (.edu) websites seeking contributions on science topics, indicating a higher likelihood of quality and authority.
intitle: + OR intitle:(“write for us” OR “contribute”) News Searches for News-related pages that are specifically looking for contributors or guest posts, broadening the scope by including “contribute.”
inurl: + inurl:blog “write for us” -category Finds blogs with “write for us” pages by excluding URLs that contain the word “category,” potentially filtering out blog index pages.
filetype: + intext: filetype:pdf intext:”submission guidelines” Searches for PDFs containing “submission guidelines,” useful for academic, scientific, or professional submissions where guidelines are often in PDF format.
allinurl: + intext: allinurl:submit-article intext:”News Looks for pages where the URL suggests article submission and the text includes “News,” targeting how-to and tutorial sites.
” “ + intext: + OR “guest post by” intext:(expert OR author) News Finds News articles by guest experts or authors, indicating sites that welcome knowledgeable contributions.
site: + OR + intext: site:.uk OR site:.ie intext:”write for us” News Targets UK (.uk) and Ireland (.ie) News sites open for guest posts, focusing on a geographical area.
+ inurl: + intext: -inurl:forum -inurl:thread intext:”write for us” News Excludes forums and threads, focusing on News websites that actively seek guest posts or articles.
intext: + -“no longer” intext:”write for us” -“no longer accepting” Filters out sites that explicitly mention they are no longer accepting submissions, ensuring you target active opportunities.
inurl:contribute + OR + inurl:submission inurl:contribute OR inurl:submission “News Broadens the search to include URLs with either “contribute” or “submission,” aimed at News opportunities.
allinurl: + intitle: allinurl:write-for-us intitle:guest “News tips” Searches for News tips websites with “write-for-us” in the URL and pages specifically titled with “guest,” indicating guest post acceptance.
site: + -filetype: site:example.com -filetype:pdf “submit your post” Targets a specific site for submission opportunities but excludes PDFs, which might contain outdated guidelines.
intext: + related: intext:”guest post guidelines” related:example.com Finds pages with guest post guidelines that are related to a known site, uncovering similar opportunities in the same niche.
” “ + `-inurl:(tag tags)` “write for us” -inurl:tag -inurl:tags
allintext: + -site: allintext:”submit an article” -site:pinterest.com -site:facebook.com Excludes social media platforms from search results, focusing on dedicated websites that accept article submissions.
intitle: + -“not looking” intitle:”write for us” -“not looking for contributions” Specifically targets “write for us” pages while filtering out those stating they are not currently seeking contributions.
inurl:guest + intext: + -“thank you” inurl:guest intext:”write for us” -“thank you posts” Focuses on guest-related URLs and excludes “thank you” posts, which often list past contributors rather than offering opportunities.
intitle: + OR + -“this page” intitle:”contribute” OR “write for us” -“this page is closed” Searches for titles indicating contribution opportunities, avoiding pages marked as closed.
site: + intext: + -“currently full” site:.edu intext:”guest posts” -“currently full” Looks for educational sites accepting guest posts but excludes any that mention they are currently full or not accepting new posts.
allinurl: + -“category” + -“archive” allinurl:write-for-us -“category” -“archive” Refines searches to exclude category and archive pages, which might clutter up results without offering direct opportunities.
allintext: + -“not accepting” allintext:”write for us” -“not accepting” Filters out pages that state they are not currently accepting submissions, streamlining the search for active opportunities.
intitle: + inurl:submit intitle:”guest post” inurl:submit Targets pages with “guest post” in their title and “submit” in their URL, indicating a high likelihood of submission calls.
site: + OR + -inurl: site:.com OR site:.net -inurl:forum “write for us” Aims to find “Write for Us” pages on commercial (.com) or network (.net) sites, while excluding forums to avoid off-topic results.
” “ + -intitle: “submit your content” -intitle:comments Looks for exact matches of “submit your content” but excludes pages with “comments” in the title to avoid comment sections.
inurl:author + intext: inurl:author intext:”contribute to our site” Finds author-specific URLs that invite contributions, suggesting guest authoring opportunities.
intitle: + -“archive” + -“tag” intitle:”write for us” -“archive” -“tag” Searches for pages titled “write for us,” excluding archives and tags to filter out less relevant results.
site: + -“FAQ” + -“contact” site:example.com “write for us” -“FAQ” -“contact” Focuses on finding “Write for Us” pages within a specific domain, excluding FAQ and contact pages to narrow down to the submission guidelines page.
intext: + OR + -“comments closed” intext:”guest post” OR “write for us” -“comments closed” Searches for text containing either “guest post” or “write for us,” excluding pages that mention “comments closed” to avoid outdated opportunities.
allinurl: + -“forum” + -“reply” allinurl:guest-post -“forum” -“reply” Targets URLs containing “guest-post” but excludes forums and replies, aiming for direct guest post submission pages.
site: + intitle: + -“no posts” site:edu intitle:”write for us” -“no posts” Searches for educational sites (.edu) with “write for us” in the title, excluding pages stating “no posts” to find active opportunities.
” “ + -“sign up now” “write for us” -“sign up now” Looks for exact matches of “write for us” while excluding any call to action like “sign up now,” which might indicate a different context.
inurl:blog + intext: + -“submit” inurl:blog intext:”write for us” -“submit” Searches for blogs indicating a “write for us” page but excludes those with “submit” in their text, potentially narrowing down to more specific guidelines or contact forms.
allintext: + -“not currently” allintext:”write for us” -“not currently” Aims to exclude pages that specifically mention they are not currently looking for contributions, focusing on active opportunities.
intitle: + -“category” + -“tags” intitle:”submit an article” -“category” -“tags” Filters out pages that are likely to be category listings or tag archives, honing in on direct submission pages.
site: + OR + -“guest” site:example.blog OR site:example.news “write for us” -“guest” Searches for “Write for Us” pages on either of two specific domains, excluding pages that use “guest” in a way that might indicate closed opportunities.
” “ + -“become a member” “submit your work” -“become a member” Searches for direct invitations to submit work while avoiding sites that require a membership sign-up to contribute.
inurl:contributors + intext: + -“no longer” inurl:contributors intext:”guest writers” -“no longer” Targets contributor-specific URLs that invite guest writers, excluding those that state they no longer accept contributions.
intitle: + -“guidelines” + -“FAQ” intitle:”write for us” -“guidelines” -“FAQ” Seeks out “Write for Us” titles but aims to sidestep guidelines or FAQ pages, potentially to find direct contact forms or alternative submission methods.
site: + -“archive” + -“template” site:example.com “guest post” -“archive” -“template” Focuses the search on a specific site for guest posting opportunities, excluding archives and templates to improve relevance.
intext: + -“apply now” + -“membership” intext:”write for us” -“apply now” -“membership” Searches for text inviting submissions, excluding prompts that might lead to application or membership pages rather than direct opportunities.
allinurl: + -“submit” + -“apply” allinurl:write-for-us -“submit” -“apply” Aims at URLs containing “write-for-us” while excluding terms that often accompany more complex submission processes or applications.
site: + intitle: + -“closed” + -“not accepting” site:edu intitle:”write for us” -“closed” -“not accepting” Specifically targets educational sites with active “Write for Us” pages, excluding any that mention being closed to submissions.
” “ + -“sign up” + -“register” “contribute” -“sign up” -“register” Looks for opportunities to contribute without the need for signing up or registering, aiming for more straightforward submission processes.
inurl:blog + intext: + -“comment” inurl:blog intext:”submit a post” -“comment” Focuses on blogs inviting post submissions, excluding pages where “comment” might indicate a focus on reader feedback rather than guest contributions.

Answer: Write for us is a guest posting platform that posts articles and blog posts by authors to your website. Using our simple CMS, you can post content in minutes on any of the areas we specialize in, from finance to business or technology to fashion. We also offer quality SEO post service and conversion-focused pay-per-click advertising solutions if you want more visibility for your site.

Where can I write and get paid?

Answer: The blog is writing for weddings write for us on blogs in general. It’s not guaranteed that someone will pay you to write, but there is a wide range of opportunities including articles, guest posts, and copywriting openings, Sponsored posts. The downside is that the quality may be variable depending on what website it’s posted to or how large it is because websites can have different standards of content with some being more lenient than others.

But if you’re good at writing well-researched pieces and are willing to lay down some hours doing research (or use one of our time-saving methods) then try your hand at blogging where there are plenty of opportunities out there waiting to be written about–and paid!

Why We Pay Writers for Guest Posts?

Answer: Guest posting is a good way to build up referral traffic and potential customers. It could also be important for SEO purposes, as Google’s algorithms take guest posts into consideration when assigning page rank. For those who are small businesses, it lets you get your name out there without expending great amounts of resources.

If you’re in the communications industry, this is an opportunity to network with other professionals and get recognized for your work via exposure and new connections that may result from guest blogs. Guest posting can help drive traffic to your website or business blog by offering readers insightful commentary that they otherwise wouldn’t have access to otherwise.

Where should you send your pitch?

Answer: We are currently looking for writers and freelance bloggers to write for us as guest posts, both long-term contributors and people with one-off articles they want to publish. We encourage you to propose what your article would be about, the style of writing that would fit best with our readers, and any points you want to be covered in the article when pitching your idea. For more information, email our editors or message directly on social media.

Whom do we allow to publish?

Answer: We always prefer submissions for guest posts, but it’s also great to hear from our readers. If you’ve got a photo or story that you want us to see, please send it over!

We publish articles from all levels of writers including professional writers for content on wedding-related topics. Those who are more advanced in their writing skills would be expected to write articles. But as far as casual bloggers go we will provide them with copy and ask only that they link back or credit.

Why is guest posting important for your business?

Answer: Guest posting is important for your business because it’s easy to get in front of a new audience. Imagine you have a product and are trying to spread the word about it. Even if you get the attention of a few hundred people, that number will usually only stay stagnant or decrease if those people don’t also share your content with their audience.

This is often because most social media platforms allow small companies like yours limited visibility unless they can provide insight on trending news topics, which you may not know about or be able to provide until after the immediate moment has already passed. On the other hand, if you publish blog posts to twelve different blogs, all while including links back to your original content (link baiting) over time.

Who Can Submit An Article?

Answer: If you are experienced writers who are excellent at their profession, an article creator looking for the right platform, freelance writing gigs, or happy to guest post and promote original articles on our blogs.

A hub of content and information for weddings, where we feature stories from professionals about how trading marriage parties enabled them to start life anew, to eco-friendly wedding tips that can make your event a treat for both people and the planet. We also have features on what being married means in today’s world, which often includes being comfortable as subjects in your own life instead of only recipients.

What Kind Of Articles Do We Publish?

Answer: We publish everything from photography to wedding reviews, practical advice for planners and vendors, invitations, and engagement sessions! We publish articles on a variety of subjects, including lifestyle and wedding-related.

We’ve got interesting topics that cover everything from the engagement, like peeking into some of the world’s most stunning destinations for a fabulous getaway. So when it comes time to narrow down your list of potential venues, galleries, restaurants, and more—we can help you with some insider tips on all things weddings.

Who Are We Publishing For?

Answer: We are publishing for our guest posting writers. They make the content, so we want to produce a site that is beneficial for them. It’s also great in terms of building up a writing portfolio and demonstrating your skillset.

Basically, what we have gathered from this website, is more on tone and structure than anything else– the style remains mostly similar from a blog article to a blog article with only minor differences.

As you read down, it feels as if a writer would be copying an answer they had given before or starting off where someone else left off which can often lead to the feeling of reading something rather dry since repeating an idea really doesn’t change much about it.

Your Keyword “guest post”

Your Keyword “write for us”

Your Keyword “guest article”

Your Keyword “this is a guest post by”

Your Keyword “contributing writer”

Your Keyword “want to write for”

Your Keyword “submit blog post”

Your Keyword “contribute to our site”

Your Keyword “guest column”

Your Keyword “submit content”

Your Keyword “submit your content”

Your Keyword “submit post”

Your Keyword “This post was written by”

Your Keyword “guest post courtesy of ”

Your Keyword “guest posting guidelines”

Your Keyword “suggest a post”

Your Keyword “submit an article”

Your Keyword “contributor guidelines”

Your Keyword “submit news”

Your Keyword “become a guest blogger”

Your Keyword “guest blogger

Your Keyword “guest posts wanted”

Your Keyword “looking for guest posts”

Your Keyword “guest poster wanted”

Your Keyword “accepting guest posts”

Your Keyword “writers wanted”

Your Keyword “articles wanted”

Your Keyword “become an author”

Your Keyword “become guest writer”

Your Keyword “become a contributor”

Your Keyword “submit guest post”

Your Keyword “submit article”

Your Keyword “guest author”

Your Keyword “send a tip”

Your Keyword inurl: “guest blogger”

Your Keyword inurl: “guest post”

allintitle: Your Keyword + guest post

site:domain.com “submit a guest post”

site:domain.com “guest post by”

site:domain.com “contribute an article”

site:domain.com “want to write”

site:domain.com “submit your post”

site:domain.com “become a contributor”

site:domain.com “accepting guest posts”

Shopping “guest post”

Shopping “write for us”

Shopping “guest article”

Shopping “this is a guest post by”

Shopping “contributing writer”

Shopping “want to write for”

Shopping “submit blog post”

Shopping “contribute to our site”

Shopping “guest column”

Shopping “submit content”

Shopping “submit your content”

Shopping “submit post”

Shopping “This post was written by”

Shopping “guest post courtesy of ”

Shopping “guest posting guidelines”

Shopping “suggest a post”

Shopping “submit an article”

Shopping “contributor guidelines”

Shopping “submit news”

Shopping “become a guest blogger”

Shopping “guest blogger

Shopping “guest posts wanted”

Shopping “looking for guest posts”

Shopping “guest poster wanted”

Shopping “accepting guest posts”

Shopping “writers wanted”

Shopping “articles wanted”

Shopping “become an author”

Shopping “become guest writer”

Shopping “become a contributor”

Shopping “submit guest post”

Shopping “submit article”

Shopping “guest author”

Shopping “send a tip”

Shopping inurl: “guest blogger”

Shopping inurl: “guest post”

Keyword + “top 10 resources”/”top resources”

Keyword + “top 10 sites/”top sites”

Keyword + “top 10 websites”/”top websites”

Keyword + “top 10 articles”/ “top articles”

Keyword + “top 10 tools”/”top tools”

Keyword + “top 10 web resources”/”top web resources”

Keyword + “top 10 internet resources”/”top internet resources”

Keyword + “top 10 online resources”/”top online resources”

Keyword + “recommended resources”/”suggested resources”

Keyword + “useful resources”/”interesting resources”

Keyword + “favorite resources”

Keyword + “recommended sites”/”suggested sites”

Keyword + “useful sites”/”interesting sites”

Keyword + “favorite sites”

Keyword + “recommended websites”/”suggested websites”

Keyword + “useful websites”/”interesting websites”

Keyword + “favorite websites”

Keyword + “recommended articles”/”suggested articles”

Keyword + “useful articles”/”interesting articles”

Keyword + “favorite articles”

Keyword + “recommended tools”/”suggested tools”

Keyword + “useful tools”/”interesting tools”

Keyword + “favorite tools”

Keyword + “recommended links”/”suggested links”

Keyword + “useful links”/”interesting links”

Keyword + “favorite links”

Keyword + “intitle:resources”

Keyword + “round up”

Keyword + intitle:”round up”

Keyword + “round up” + intitle:weekly/daily/monthly

Keyword + intitle:list

Keyword + “guide”

“list of + Keyword + sites”

Keyword + “news”/”industry news”

Keyword + “magazine”/”industry magazine”

Keyword + “journal”/”industry journal”



Keyword + inurl:links/resources

Keyword + “add a site”/”submit site”/”suggest site”/”post site”/”recommend site”

Keyword + “add URL”/”submit URL”/”suggest URL”/”post URL”/”recommend URL”

Keyword + “add listing”/”submit listing”/”suggest listing”/”post listing”/”recommend listing”

Keyword + add/submit/suggest/post/list/recommend article

Keyword + add/submit/suggest/post/list/recommend video

Keyword + add/submit/suggest/post/list/recommend podcast

Keyword + add/submit/suggest/post/list/recommend whitepaper

Keyword + add/submit/suggest/post/list/recommend webinars

Keyword + add/submit/suggest/post/list/recommend event

Keyword + add/submit/suggest/post/list job

Keyword + add/submit/suggest/post/list contest

Keyword + add/submit/post/list coupons

Keyword + intitle:add/submit/suggest/post/list/recommend article

Keyword + intitle:add/submit/suggest/post/list/recommend video

Keyword + intitle:add/submit/suggest/post/list/recommend podcast

Keyword + intitle:add/submit/suggest/post/list/recommend whitepaper

Keyword + intitle:add/submit/suggest/post/list/recommend webinars

Keyword + intitle:add/submit/suggest/post/list/recommend event

Keyword + intitle:add/submit/suggest/post/list job

Keyword + intitle:add/submit/suggest/post/list contest

Keyword + intitle:add/submit/post/list coupons

Keyword +”add your business”/”list your business”

Keyword + directory

Keyword + directory + add/submit/suggest/post

Keyword + intitle:”directory”

Keyword+ inurl:”directory”

Keyword + Listings

IndustryKeyword + “sign up”/join/register/”create an account”

keyword + coupons + intitle:list

keyword + coupons + intitle:submit/add

keyword + deals + intitle:submit/add

“deals for” + “keyword *” + intitle:submit/add

ProductName + intitle:review

ProductName + intitle:ratings

ProductName + intitle:comparison

ProductName + intitle:price comparison

ProductName + intitle:compare

ProductName + intitle:recommended

Keyword + intext:”this is a sponsored post”

Keyword + intext:”this was a sponsored post”

Keyword + intext:”this is a paid post”

Keyword + intext:”this was a paid post”

Keyword + intext:”this is a Sponsored review”

Keyword + intext:”this was a Sponsored review”

Keyword + intext:”this is a paid review”

Keyword + intext:”this was a paid review”

Keyword + site:.gov

Keyword + site:.gov.in

Keyword + site:.nic.in

Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “guest blog”

Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “guest blogger”

Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “guest Column”

Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “guest article”

Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “guest post”

Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “guest author”

Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “write for us”

Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “write for me”

Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “become a contributor”

Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “contribute to this site”

Keyword/yourCompetitorName + inurl:category/guest

Keyword/yourCompetitorName + inurl:contributors

Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “guest blog” + inanchor:contact

Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “guest blogger” + inanchor:contact

Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “guest Column” + inanchor:contact

Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “guest article” + inanchor:contact

Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “write for us” + inanchor:contact

Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “write for me” + inanchor:contact

Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “become a contributor” + inanchor:contact

Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “contribute to this site” + inanchor:contact

Your Keyword “guest blogger”

Keyword + intext:”this was a paid review

Sponsored post websites

Free guest post websites

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What you should follow while ”write for us”?

Answer: We’re looking for writers with a keen interest in wedding planning to add their expertise on topics such as flower arrangements, table settings, party invitations, and more.

If this is something that interests you please send an email to us. Follow all the guidelines required for article submission so that we may learn more about your specific writing skillset:

 300 words description of your experience in the wedding industry and/or blogging related knowledge

A complete article was written by you or relevant information if applicable.

 Resume outlining where you have published previously or any relevant work history.

If you’re a wedding writer who would like to submit content, please feel free to contact us–we’d love to hear from you!

Email: youthgtech@gmail.com

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