
Spend Your Gap Year In China Teaching

Taking a gap year is becoming a common practice among students, and more and more universities are backing the idea. Even though spending a full year out of either a career or education has been argued to be less beneficial, most graduates have found it very helpful.

A gap year is a full year break, off academics ‘trying to find yourself.’ This break is typically taken between high school graduation and college enrollment, but it can be taken after graduation while waiting to start your career. This break is intended to help students and graduates decide what career is best for them. Joining college can be overwhelming, and students should use this time constructively to determine which course would be best for them.

If you are wondering why to take a gap year teaching in China. In that case, here are five reasons why this break might be necessary;

  • Learn a new language
  • Experience a new culture
  • Develop new learning skills
  • Prepare for college
  • Create networks

The gap year allows you to explore life opportunities without any hesitations and limitations. Even though there are many reasons why taking a gap year is essential, this article will emphasize the number one way to utilize your gap year – teaching in China.

Teaching In China.

Teaching English in China is the best way to spend your Gap year. Not only will you experience different cultures, but you will also have the opportunity to learn, make new friends, and develop a well-structured career plan. For example, you can take full advantage of the ESL jobs in China to land a teaching job in China.

The requirements for teaching in China may vary, but after your graduation, a lot is taken off your plate. Before leaving for a life-changing opportunity in China, it would be best to understand what the Chinese government requires. While teaching experience is one of the requirements for landing an ESL job in China, it is not a requirement for applying.

Here are some requirements you need to get a valid work visa;

  • A bachelor’s degree in any field.
  • Ability to live abroad for at least one year – that is essentially the whole gap year.
  • A TEFL certification.
  • You must be a passport holder from Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, Australia, UK, the USA, and Ireland.

The Benefits of Teaching in China During Your Gap Year.

Teaching in China brings more benefits than just exploring China. Even though starting a new career and staying away from your family can be stressful, teaching in China has brought more good. More and more teachers have benefited from the great perks offered by the employer. Choosing to use your gap year to teach in China has a lot of benefits. Here are some of them;

1. Fare reimbursement.

How fulfilling is spending your money doing what you love and getting the money back? It is like travelling for free. Earning your money back should be enough motivation; most people have expressed how it has helped them jumpstart a living in China.

Even though most employers go the extra mile to support new teachers from scratch, knowing that you have extra money to save gives you peace of mind.

2. Free teacher accommodation.

While you enjoy your gap year teaching and exploring China, you get to live stress-free as your accommodation is covered. ESL teachers in China are treated with high status, thus such great perks. It is important to remember that this depends on your employer. Either way, you still get better housing.

3. China is an affordable place to live.

Compared to western countries, the cost of living in China is cheaper. For example, you can afford to eat out every day at a good restaurant for 10-15 RMB. Travelling and exploring the country is also affordable and efficient. Cheap domestic flights and high-speed rails make connecting to different cities a world-class experience.

4. China is a tourist hotspot.

Spending your gap year teaching in China allows you to experience the landmarks, beautiful cities, and the culture in general. As a teacher, you can spend your weekends and holidays exploring China. The best part is that you’ll never get enough. For example, sites such as the Great Wall of China and the Forbidden City bring the ultimate experience of staying in China as one never gets tired of the view.

Plus, you have the Golden Week to look forward to. During this week, you will have seven days off work, and you could choose to spend all those days being a tourist.

5. There is a magnitude of cultures, including yours.

Being a foreigner can always pose a challenge to newly landed teachers as the fear of being lonely and away from home kicks in. However, coming to China takes this worry away as you are guaranteed to meet people from your country/culture. When you interact with people from the same culture, you tend to feel at home. This feeling allows you to focus on teaching and spending your gap the way you hoped to spend it.

Moreover, there is the opportunity to explore other cultures. The world is changing fast, and learning about different cultures has improved self-awareness among peers. China itself offers a mixture of vintage and modern culture, which is very fulfilling to experience. From food, language, and dressing, you have a whole gap year to explore.


Taking a gap year and teaching in China is a great way to create a career path for yourself. Meeting new students and interacting with other teachers can turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to your career. For this reason, it would be best to start planning your gap year early.

You must understand the requirements for teaching in China as well. Even though some conditions can be met later after coming to China, most teachers suggest that you meet all the necessities earlier to avoid any risk of disqualification. Use this article as a guide to help you get some insight into why it is essential to spend your gap year teaching in China.

Anshu Dev
Internet trailblazer. Travel ninja. Social media evangelist. Incurable explorer. Subtly charming organizer. Tv scholar. Alcohol geek. Certified creator.